The average house price on EDGWARE VIEW is £84,085
The most expensive house in the street is 1 EDGWARE VIEW with an estimated value of £115,857
The cheapest house in the street is 7 EDGWARE VIEW with an estimated value of £62,301
The house which was most recently sold was 9 EDGWARE VIEW, this sold on 19 May 2023 for £113,500
The postcode for EDGWARE VIEW is LS8 5NJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 EDGWARE VIEW Terraced , 98 m2 £115,857 £59,000 1 Jul 2004
3 EDGWARE VIEW Terraced , 66 m2 £84,309 £67,750 22 Feb 2019
5 EDGWARE VIEW Terraced , 62 m2 £75,104 £60,500 30 Nov 2018
7 EDGWARE VIEW Terraced , 107 m2 £62,301 £40,000 15 May 2014
9 EDGWARE VIEW Terraced , 63 m2 £113,500 19 May 2023
10 EDGWARE VIEW Terraced , 47 m2 £68,285 £54,250 26 Feb 2018
11 EDGWARE VIEW Terraced , 59 m2 £92,053 £58,000 26 Mar 2008
12 EDGWARE VIEW Terraced , 44 m2 £80,466 £35,000 12 Sep 2003
13 EDGWARE VIEW Terraced , 63 m2 £76,622 £62,000 20 Dec 2019
14 EDGWARE VIEW Terraced , 57 m2 £80,466 £35,000 12 Sep 2003
15 EDGWARE VIEW Terraced , 57 m2 £96,559 £42,000 22 Sep 2003
16 EDGWARE VIEW Terraced , 47 m2 £92,920 £49,000 19 Nov 2004